Tuesday 19 April 2022

Resurrecting forgotten characters

A few years ago I had the idea in my head to create a cartoon series, not realising how difficult it is to do that - but I ploughed on anyway, and that was when I brought out the singular episode of the Alien Vegetables.  I had drawn a whole cast of characters, most of which were only concepts, with the intention of bringing them to life in a series of adventures across space.

  But having drawn all these characters I didn't know what to do with them!  

It's true!  I couldn't think of any stories.  I was hoping to collaborate with my business partner at the time, but they left the project for personal reasons, and left to my own devices I couldn't think of nay original albeit "Good" ideas for these characters to explore.  

So after producing one very unsuccessful episode (You can find it on my Youtube Channel as of writing this - floating around on the NET with a grand total of 18 views...   Yes - big big flop!  And very discouraging... check it here if you have time), I decided it was not worth the energy to proceed with the project and called it a day.  The Alien Vegetable adventures in space was not to be!

So for a long time these characters sat gathering electrical dust on my hard drive - almost forgotten, but not quite.

I drudged some of the characters out of the darkness for a few brief moments.  You will find some videos in my archive featuring some of these cartoon aliens, chief of these being Ivan Lives.

Then, after starting my Rant series, it struck me.  Would these videos not be the perfect playing field for these characters to take over?  Make them the star of the show!  Why not have aliens critiquing Twitter, Youtube, the Internet in general, adn give the whole of the big old darn Earth a general good verbal bashing!

Maybe it is time to open up the archive and resurrect these old forgotten characters, and give them life.  If I can't think of a story for them to inhabit then why not have them sit back on their spaceship and laugh at the story of Earth 2022 and beyond!


Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Give 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
Also take a look at:
My YouTube Channel

My Books

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