Friday 1 April 2022

Don't Waste it...

 It's all a waste - when lightning comes from the skies...

Why do we do it?

Why do we breathe it?

Why do we see it?

  Why do we believe in it?

  Because it's all a waste when the lightning comes from the skies...

We can do a lot of Great things.

Reshape words and other things from old -

We can make whole new worlds out of tiny drips and drops of life - 

But it will all mean nothing

If the lightning falls from the skies...

There is no point working in vain,

wasted sweat is like wasted tears,

Forgotten forever like an empty life drowned in empty


But every breath that pulled you up,

Every sound that woke you,

That made you think

Is all for nothing,

When the skies let the lightning fall.

So don't be a fool

Don't say yes when your heart says no;

Waste time 

But don't waste tears,

Waste years

But don't waste sweat - 

And never threat, if the game doesn't play out as planned.

But pray and sing for the moment,

Fight for the idea that lives in every second - 

Because none of it will mean anything 



Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
Also take a look at:
My YouTube Channel

My Books

Buy the Legend of Rudwin!

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