Wednesday 6 April 2022

Give it a chance

When words become a waste you feel it in your gut...

Only then will you realise you have nothing to do -

except sit down and drink:

A trickle of the sound!


You won't dance, not the feet and the arms,

But your heart will - 

with just a trickle of the sound...

Your heart will glide into the sunny clouds...

Give it a chance

Even when you know its a fools game

When people are screaming it in your ears,

And your gut tells you its all over 

And people are shouting in your ears the fickle truth that holds them enslaved...

Just shut your mouth and drink in the sound...

just a trickle

Let it absorb you - live with it and through it, 

Just a trickle of the sound

A second or two

Bear with it

Give it a chance...

When the roof of life hangs so low your forced to crawl in dust on the floor,

when the chatter of other folks teeth turns your ears into hot pins,

and your brain becomes a cauldron of boiling filth, overtipping with foamy gloom,

Just grab a chair and switch it all off,

tell the organ grinder pulling the strings behind your eyes to cease the play,

Tell him to go away - 

You know he sits in an empty hall,

with empty chairs - 

He has only one living soul that makes his audience,

and he knows and you know who that is - 

So go home - leave him alone - let him play himself to death alone in his hall,

And when he is finally quiet pour yourself a trickle of the sound

Just a trickle

And in the silence drink it in - 

That's when the real you awakens - stirring roots from a dormant seed - the fresh flowering petals of thought taking shape in the clean air.

That's you in the quiet, drinking in the sound,

Just a trickle of the sound



Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
Also take a look at:
My YouTube Channel

My Books

Buy the Legend of Rudwin!

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