Tuesday 6 September 2022


 For there is in all things that sing,

A strange sort of order to things,

Even in a river, 

Even in veins where the liquid flows,

There is a race 

There is a dance

There is a calm in which all things wait and a storm where all things run, 

But does the liquid flow and leap?

That is the question?

Why do you breathe?  Why do you love?  Why do you condemn the man you have never seen?

Why do your eyes full of so many colours?

Why do you see so many vibrant things?  

When you live does the world live?

When you die does the world die?

When you close your eyes to sleep do the clouds stop moving?  Will the flowers never open again?  Will the nightingale ever sing again as the stars burn in the deep depths out of the reach of time?
Does the clock stop ticking?

When did its hands start moving?

Was there a time when it was first pushed into moving?

Or has it always turned?  Was it turning before the first star opened its eyes?  Was it turning before the seas came roaring out of the cracks of the earth?  When the first raindrop fell?  When the first stem of green grass slithered out of the earth?
When did the first lightning strike?  What did it look like?  Was it greater than anything ever seen before?  Did it transform the darkness into light?  Was the first song song after it had finished its journey to the ground?

Was that when the laws were born?  

Was that when we started to say this was right and that was wrong?

Did it happen then when the light and the rain were covering the deserts of the world - the deepest desert where no foot has ever fallen or no voice has ever spoken, a place so deep and distant no living eye has ever witnessed it?  Do we hear the soft wind whistling around the rocks?  

Or is the desert as meaningless as the rocks on the moon, as the molecules inside a star, as the dreams of a dying man who has never been able to speak.  

Is it as meaningless as the hands that move on a watch?
Or is it as brilliant as a wildflower - hidden in the green depths, never seen by a human eye?

You decide?


Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Give 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
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