Friday 18 March 2022

Last words of a Gnome...

[This letter was found in the heart of a mouse hole...]

[We think they are the last words of a Gnome...]

"I don't know what I am saying
that's me
I am going to leave some of my thoughts here.  
Someone might read them...  one day.

Think not of darkness.

If you think things are dark, think other things instead

because the darkness can always grow darker.

Darker than you could ever imagine.

If the light doesn't mean all that much to you,

bury your head all the same

Because there is dark and then there is


and you will always have time to regret...

Forget, if you don't have the energy to hold on,

But never wish for something, or anything,

Because what's dark can always get darker, 

And what you think you want might not 

be what you need.


How do you win the game?

Squash NEEDS
Squash WANTS

Don't wish for anything

Don't desire the light to go out, 

Because the darkness can always get darker

That's just the way it is.


If the Hill is heavy, and it breaks our shoulders and snaps our spine,

bear it,

failing that hide from it,

but ever wish it away...

Never wish the mountain away.

It's not worth it - because that which you wish to be more light, 

when that weight is melted away,

can always be more dark,

because things can always be more darker...

That's just the way it is.


When the clouds are thick and full,

  Wish for them to stay so...

Because the darkness can always get darker - 



Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
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My Books

Buy the Legend of Rudwin!

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