Monday 2 November 2020

If I were there...

Hear now the air going back and forth among the branches -
Hear now the leaves sing,
What a wonderful thing...

If only I was there.
Strange how only now I think of such things
How I wish I had been there.

I can dream five thousand things and see things far away - 
When my eyes are closed the world is robed,
In alien colours of fantastical mystery.

But outside my eyes there are rivers that charge,
And seas that rise and fall,
Hissing sounds of wind in rocks,
And fir trees that grow ever tall

The air breaks down and lighting strikes
And there follows a sound like you would not believe,
Loud it rolls across the land,
The world has barely chance to breathe.

Did I ever hear it?
Did anyone ever hear it?
Did it happen at all?
If Only I was there!

Engines spurt and chug,
Wires explode,
Sparks fly,
The ship goes down...
A generation lost into the gloom - 
Did it ever happen?
Did they ever live at all?
Did the things they see ever come to be?

I am so glad I wasn't there!

Music is going and people are dancing,
Guns are raised and voices are shouting,
Tears are flowing and people are laughing,
Are they happy are they sad?
Are they anything other than living?
Did they ever live?

I can't be sure because I was never there.

The earth shakes, it opens its mouth - 
It's fury flows out hot and wild - 
Trees burn down and cities vanish,
Is the earth really angry?
Is it really anything after all?

Who can say because nobody was ever there.

The sun thaws the ice,
A flower opens in a green field,
What colour is the flower?
Did anyone ever see it?
Was anything with it?
Did anything actually happen to it?
I cannot say -
...If only I had been there.

No one will ever give a colour to that flower,
Because we were never there.

Shards of ice fall down into the sea,
While wild birds rise up and screech - 
Was it fear that made them move - 
Or did they move as tree leaves do 
With the flow of the air?
These things no one can teach...

Did those birds ever cry?
Did that ice ever fall?

They may have rumbled,
They may of crumbled,
But I was never there 

Alas - was I ever there?


Also take a look at:
My Games
Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
Also take a look at:
My YouTube Channel

My Books

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