Saturday 1 December 2018

Does Easy Miner mean anything?

So there I was - far down at the deep end of the cave.
But even that far down I could still see.
The crystals in the rock shone - they shone on the walls - above me.
Like stars.
Thousands of stars shining in a thousand ways.

There were many strangers in that room...
They all talked to me, like they knew me, like we were all friends of old.
But I did not know them, and so our words were as empty as clouds.

And so was carved in the stone the words, "Easy Miner."
Did that mean anything?
Did it have to mean anything?

...I've tried to find a way - but maybe climbing isn't the answer:
Maybe it's time to sit and think.
Maybe it's time to dream, and float.
Maybe I will float to the top -
Maybe my dreams will grant me a prettier picture.

There are set of steps I always see.
They go up and up.
But I just can't get to the top of them.
I know there must be a way.
The gulls make their nests at the top - I hear their wings beat...
But I can never get to the top.

Enjoy the silence if you can get it.
Silence let's you think.
And when you can think who knows what you can come up with?

Your dreams are yours.
Tend them as you would a flower;
Let the garden in your head show many wonderful colours.
Let the songbirds come down to nest,
and dance in their songs.
Paint every colour with your thoughts and cherish them.



Also take a look at:

My Games

Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!

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