Wednesday 8 August 2018

A scream in the night - the Owl Man strikes again?

I feel like I am involved in a living nightmare that will not end.

He was in the window.
I was beyond scared!

I saw it - this looming shadowy shape:
By the way it was just standing there I could see it contained some kind of darkness.
It was sinister - and horrible.
You could see no eyes but I knew it was watching.
How long had it been there?

I moved to another room.
Anywhere away from its great dark shape.
As large and terrible as the creature looked why did it not try to enter?
Surely it could have broken through the window if that was its intention?
But it did not?
But then why was it there why was it watching me?

By the time morning arrived there were no signs that the creature had been there.
I opened the window and checked.  I looked for anything, claw marks, but there was nothing.

Of course then doubt started to set in.
I must have dreamed it the shadowy shape, right?

But then the night came in again, as it's doomed to do,
and outside in the dark I heard a sound.

An ear splitting screech!

I climbed towards the window.
Nothing is out there.
But I feel no relief.
That sound was made by no normal animal that exists on the earth.

It can only be him:
The Owl Man.

What does he want?

Poem about dreams:

The mare steals dreams,
One must think hard, doubly hard,
and hold onto what is yours,
For your dreams are the most wonderful things,
and they are yours.

Resist the mare - forget his stare -
Do not let his deep eyes look into your brain,
For when he is inside those caverns he is hard to drive out.
And he will take your dreams
In bags of gold,
And swim away into the night.

Play Elfin Quest

My YouTube Channel

Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!

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