Friday 13 July 2018

Almost a dinosaur

Ha ha!


Prehistoric beasts roaming the earth.  Imagine being stuck in a jungle.  Your plane crashes and your trapped in this place, all alone, armed with nothing but your wits.

Because that is all that you have got in, the deep jungle.

It is like a whole new world to you.  Everything in this new dimension wants to kill you -

the plants

the insects

the reptiles

Everything is after your blood.

It is a foul thing.

But your worst enemy will always be yourself.

Panic you lose your wits, and then you die. 

But there are times where it really doesn't matter how skilled you are - when you are taken out of your chosen environment you drop to the bottom of the food chain - and then survival is more about luck, than skill.

Because there is something out there in the forests.

It's bigger and badder than you.

And nothing will hold it off.

And once its got you,  it's game over, and your elements will join with the dense living underground of the underworld - that vast jungle where man has no influence and no power.

IN the jungle all is as dark as night.

For in that place there are creatures who breathed air before man, vast monsters who care not for the rule of man. 

This is there domain -

They survived the thing that killed the dinosaurs - and they will rule in the dark forests long after man has sunk under the the shadowy mountain of fate.

15 foot crocodile


Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!

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