Friday 30 August 2024

Jim's Subway 43: You ARE Poison

 The bottle of 0% wine was steaming…
  There was literal smoke gently weaving from the opening of the bottle.
   Of course!
  The wine had been poisoned!
  ‘They are all dead,’ said Butch.  ‘Why would you do this, Jim?  Damn you!  In one evening you have gone from a humble simple murderer to a full blown serial killer!’
  Butch drew out a gun and aimed it right at Jim’s head.
  Butch declared it was time to finish the nightmare of Jim the mass killer.
  ‘Your reign of terror ends now, Banker of Fenwick,’ he said.  ‘Once I pull this trigger all of our lives can begin to recover.  The darkness with be over.  It will die with you.  Say goodbye, Jim!’
  ‘For goodness sake, Butch!  Listen to me!  I know you are not the smartest man around town, but surely if you can see I am too dumb to plan any of this.  Break a mans neck and then hang him?  Kill all my guests with poison?  No!  We are being set up, Butch.  We are being played against each other.  And I know who is doing it…’
  ‘I can’t listen to you, not anymore.  Bridges have ben burned,’ Butch replied.  ‘Like Huey said before he died, YOU are a SNAKE, Jim.  Your words are poison!  Just like the poison that killed these fine men.  Today you have killed some of the most respected men in this town!  How dare you - you monster!’
  ‘I didn’t do this,’ said Jim.  ‘Like I didn’t shoot you, Butch.  When I took you to the Swamp, I told you to run.  When I fired that shot I aimed away from you.  Because I couldn’t kill you, Butch.  You are my friend and my business partner.  But I will give you the name of a man who would kill you, given half the chance.  Grey.  He is behind all of this.  And you want to know why I know this?  Because this morning I got that bottle of wine over there as a gift from Grey.  It is his favourite non alcoholic wine.  It was meant for me to drink.  Yet the bottle didn’t touch my lips.  These men were not supposed to die today.  But you and I, Butch, Grey wants us in the ground.  He’s set this all up!  I don’t know why he wants us dead, but he does.  He sent me to kill you, first, and after that he sent the wine.  I was supposed to die next.’
  ‘But he made you the Banker’ said Butch.  ‘He put you inside this nice house!’
  ‘I think it was some kind of twisted ruse,’ Jim replied.  ‘He wanted to keep my eyes away from the killing dagger!’
  ‘This doesn’t make sense,’ said Butch.  ‘Grey could not have killed DC Peddler!  The man never leaves that damn train of his…’
  ‘Really?  Why are you so dense, Butch?  Do you think Grey is above and beyond hiring people to do his dirty work for him, like when he hired me to kill you?  And then like that time he hired you to bring me at gunpoint and against my will to him?  Come on!  Wake up you dimwit!’ said Jim, determinedly.  ‘He has been playing us from the start.’
  ‘But what’s his motive?’
  ‘I don’t know… power I guess?  Maybe he is just sick and enjoys messing people around.  It could be anything.  Let me tell you something I really do know, Butch.  There are some really weird people out there…’
  ‘But you hated DC Peddler!  You wanted to kill him!’
  ‘NO!  I wanted to scare him off.  Yes.  I sent those photos to Mr Rits.  But I didn’t want Peddler dead.  I just wanted him to leave town.  I wanted to get him away from me because he was a trouble maker.  He wanted to ruin my business!  Come on Butch, I am not a killer.  You know that!  You know me, right?’
  ‘But you tried to shoot me…’
  ‘No Butch.  I did what I did to get Grey off of my back.  I let you run.  I let you live.  I never wanted to betray you, ever.  And remember, Butch.  You drew first blood.  Yes!  Don’t look at me like that.  You are the one who first put the gun against my back.  You led me to Grey at gunpoint.  You ended our business relationship and our friendship that day.’
  And it has all been because of Grey…
  Butch sighed and admitted defeat.  He uncocked the gun and dropped the weapon to the ground.
  ‘The way I look at it now is this; we are both in a mess,’ said Butch.  ‘I can see what you are saying, Jim.  Grey wants us both dead and he will stop at nothing to get the job done.  We are doomed.  It seems to be our lot just to die!’
  ‘Yes, Butch, for a change you are right.  We are not safe not while Grey is breathing,’ Jim replied.  ‘The real question is this:  do we give up?  Do you have any fight left in you?  Because I know I have.  I am not going to give up everything I have built and fought for these last weeks.’  
  ‘But we can’t get at him,’ Butch returned.  ‘He never leaves the train.  You know that!’
  ‘I know,’ said Jim.  ‘So we must figure out how to get into the train…’
  ‘Do you have a plan?’
  ‘No.  Not yet.  But I am not going to let that man win.  Mr Grey controls this town.  He controls everything.  He is the darkness in the heart of Fenwick, and he needs to be put out, laid to rest.  And it has to be us who stops him because only we know the truth.  Nobody else knows who Grey is except us.  So it has to be us who put an end to him.  We have to figure out how to bring that man down.’
  ‘I am with you, Jim,’ Butch replied.  ‘I am sorry I let things get out of hand, mate.  I just don’t “think.”  I am dumb idiot.  You were always the brains, and I the brawn.  It is the way it was always meant to be.’
  ‘It is good to have you back with us, Butch,’ said Jim.  ‘I think it is time to put your brawn to work again!  You know Fenwick better than I.  I need you to scout around and find a man called Mr Twaddle.  He might also be called Michael.  Now this guy serves Grey as his right hand man.  I think we can get to Grey through him!  Go get him Butch!’
  So Jim set loose the dogs!
  ‘I am on it boss,’ Butch replied.  ‘I am glad we are friends again, Jim.’
  ‘Me too Butch,’ said Jim, and then the two men parted ways.

(Remember!  All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes are intentional - the author 😆)

Previous part here

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Wednesday 28 August 2024

Jim's Subway 42: A Murder by gum!

‘I think you should let me in,’ said Butch.
  Loathed though he was Jim did so.
  Why did you come back?
  ‘Less words and more drink,’ Butch replied.  ‘Take me to the dinning room, now!’
  Jim did so, reluctantly.
  But strangely, when they got there, Butch did not drink a drop or raise a glass even!  
  He just stood quietly in the corner of the room…
  What was he up to?
  ‘Well isn’t this marvellous?  The whole gang reunited,’ said Ted.  ‘It’s just like the old days.  This is truly wonderful,’ and then he took another sip of his drink.  
  ‘Indeed.  It is good to see you alive and well, Butch.  We thought things had gone bad for you.  Good to see otherwise,’ said Huey.
  And then Huey clashed glasses with Ted and took a sip of his drink.
  ‘You are a good lad Butch, and I am glad you are here,’ said Shaky.  Shaky would have liked to take a sip out of his drink but had already poured half the bottle down his throat so he had had enough for the day and needed to sit down.
  ‘I am all in line with the others.  You are a good one, Butch,’ said Tipsy.  Then Tipsy raised his glass in the air, cheered and finally took a sip of his drink.  ‘When they said you had gone missing Butch I got really scared.  After Rod was killed I thought maybe you had gotten caught up with the war…  But here you are alive and well and that is a fine thing.  You are a local, Butch, and we can’t do without you.  Enough of our number have been whipped out by all the fighting in the streets.  O dear me it makes me so sad!  So many memories have turned to ash!  Sigh!  I remember you when you were a foot tall, little Butch we used called you back then!  Of course you were only two and we had no idea that you still had another six feet to grow…  I am glad you are still going strong!  Let us raise a toast to Butch and to his further health!’  
  ‘Ah yes!  This is a fine wine indeed,’ Tipsy noted.  ‘I don’t usually drink the fancy stuff!  I always stick to bitter, but I like this!  Now I get a feel of what it’s like to be the other half!  You posh types know how to enjoy yourselves!’
  ‘I don’t think I have felt this jolly not since my last expedition to the Congo,’ Huey put in.  Huey spoke with a very loud voice that always managed to make him the centre of attention.  So when he started barking on about the Congo, again, everyone turned to listen to him.  ‘My party and I made our way to the Congo interior via the the waters of the Cameroon.  There we were greeted by a seventeen foot mammoth…’
  ‘Hang on a minute aren’t they meant to be dead, Huey?’ Shaky replied.  ‘I am sure I read about it in a book somewhere…’
  ‘This is the Congo, my boy!  Did you you not know?  The vast African continent is the home of many prehistoric beasts including a variety of dinosaurs!  Don’t mock me, son!  You cannot talk about it not unless you have been there, as I have.  I have seen the Congo up close and dirty, and I have beheld with my own eyes beasts thought to have passed from this planet fifty five million years ago!’
  ‘Forgive my ignorance!’ said Shaky.
  Shaky lowered his head in shame, and looked very sad and dejected.  Everyone shook their heads at him, marking his ignorance.  Shaky was indeed made to feel thoroughly useless.
  ‘Please continue your speech,’ said one of the other guests.
  And Huey did so:
  ‘I was about to take aim at the mammoth, when our boat was attacked by a giant serpent.  My whole team and I fell into the water.  Then our boat was chomped to pieces by a twenty foot crocodile!  We swam with great haste to the shore, and once on dry land again we made every effort to recover some of our equipment as well as our breath!  We were stranded, but luckily I still had my loyal gun, cocked and loaded.  If I was going to die I was going to take the denizens of the jungle down with me.  As far as I am concerned when you enter the jungle you are at war with it.  Nothing in the jungle is your friend.  Everything inside the jungle is writhing in a state of perfect chaos.  There is no room for civilisation in its brooding depths.  Men have tried to tame the deadly green of that land only to see their homes consumed by the will of the Earth.  In the jungle the Earth is the master, and all things manmade are humbled by its glorious, frantic and terrifying majesty…’
  Here Huey stopped, and the man became suddenly quiet and thoughtful.  Was the story over?  Had he finished talking?
  Finally someone felt brave enough to break the silence and put an end to the tumbleweed.
  ‘Anybody here in need of some more wine,’ said Tipsy.  ‘I know I am!  Ah!  How splendid is this?  I haven’t felt this good in a long time!  Three cheers for Jim the Banker!  What fine fellow.’
  Everyone cheered except Butch.
  Butch stared, as still as a statue, and then said very ominously:
  What a fine fellow Mr Jim is indeed  If only everyone in this room knew a little but more about good old Jim
  Jim suggested they move to the lounge where it might be more comfortable. 
  ‘I am just going to head over to the kitchen to fetch some more wine,’ said Shaky.  He seemed to know his way round the mansion house, which was mighty suspicious for a man who apparently never been inside the place before.  ‘I will be back in a tick!  Somebody keep a seat warm for me!  I might fetch some of the cheese as well.  Why not, I think it is over here in the…  O my gosh!’
  Shaky let out such a shrill and shocking scream one might have confused him for a girl.
  Everyone rushed over to see what the matter was, and when they arrived they were just as shocked as their humble companion:
  For there was indeed a dead body of a man hanging from the ceiling!
  In the kitchen…
  He was hanging from the lamp like an old coat with legs!
  ‘A dead body!  A dead body?’ Everybody screamed!  Huey was the only one to maintain his reserve, of course, he was a man of the wars, and of the jungle.  He was accustomed to death in all its guises…
  He was, however, mightily complexed by the situation.
  How had a dead body let itself in the house?
  It was all mighty suspicious - and Jim was at he centre of it…
  Was he not the first man to enter the place?
  he had to know more about this!
  ‘Wait a second he might not be dead, yet!’ said Jim, hopefully.  ‘Maybe we should get him down and try to resuscitate him?  I have heard that such things can be done.’
  ‘Here allow me,’ said Huey loudly.  ‘I have had practice with such things!’  He drew out his pocket knife and cut the saggy body down to the ground.
  ‘I would give him the Kiss of the Congo, and breathe my glorious breath into his lungs - but I fear it won’t do him much good.  He’s neck has been broken!’ said Huey.  
  It was true.
  The dead man’s neck was indeed broken.
  ‘Why I think I recognise him!’ spoke up Shaky.  ‘It’s DC Peddler!  I know!  I have seen him in the bar at the Short Tailed Fox quite a few times.  He was something of a drunk, if I remember rightly.  Poor man.  You know, he seemed rather rich, always had money.  But he never bought me a drink, ever.  But ah well, such is life.  Yes.  That is DC Peddler.  And he is dead!’
  Shaky spoke truly!
  It was indeed the body of DC Peddler lying on the kitchen floor.
  And the constable was dead beyond belief!  
  ‘This is a murder!’ Tipsy cried.
  ‘A murder?’ Huey echoed.  ‘Yes!  A murder!’
  ‘Someone has killed this poor man,’ Shaky replied.  
  ‘How did you reach that conclusion?’ said Jim.  ‘I think it’s obvious that this man has committed suicide!’
  ‘Unlikely,’ Huey replied.  ‘Why would he kill himself in your house?’
  ‘Wait!  I can sort this,’ said Jim.  ‘He must have left a suicide note somewhere…’
  Jim started to search the body, but he found NOTHING.
  ‘Then it is murder by gum!’ cried Huey.  ‘How dark this day has turned!  We have a murder in our midsts!  We need the help of DC Peddler… o wait…’
  ‘I really don’t think this is a murder,’ Jim continued.  ‘None of this makes sense…’
  ‘O it makes perfect sense to me,’ Butch quickly interjected in an abrupt and angry way.  ‘I know you, Jim.  You and DC Peddler were enemies.  He used to threaten you all the time back in the day.  I remember seeing you fight regularly with the man!  He was always on to your case, Jim.  So what happened?  Did he finally dig some decent dirt up on you?  Did he uncover something juicy, something that would see you toppled from the lofty heights you have recently attained?  Something that would strip you of the Banker position?  I reckon something like that happened.  And what did you do in response?  You decided to silence him, by ending his life that’s what you did!  You murderous dog!’
  ‘Utter nonsense!’ Jim retorted.  ‘I never put you down as a fantasist Butch!  Now stop all this nonsense talk at once!’
  ‘This is no fantasy,’ Butch replied.  ‘Take a look!’ he held up his fist holding several crumpled papers:
  ‘I intercepted these from a man on his way to the Rits!  Photos of DC Peddler and Mrs Rits together.  They were having an affair, and your were blackmailing the constable!’
  ‘Why are you doing this to me, Butch?’ said Jim, who was now starting to panic a little - for there was indeed a grain of truth to the story.
  But there was no murder…
  Not this time any…
  Why are you doing this ti me Butch!  We were good friends!
  ‘I am doing this because you need to be exposed,’ Butch replied.  ‘If you didn’t kill him then you drove him to suicide!’
  ‘This is starting to make sense now!’ said Huey.  ‘Jim murdered DC Peddler!  The beast!  Curse him!’
  ‘Now let me stop you right there!  None of this makes sense if you really think about it,’ said Jim.  ‘Yes, me and Peddler were rivals.  We didn’t like one another.  But if I wanted him dead then why would I leave his body in full view and invite you people over for drinks?  Wouldn’t that make me the most stupid murderer in human history?  And further more, If I really did want to kill him, why would I hang him?’
  ‘Maybe you broke his neck first and then afterwards you hung him up like that to cover your tracks? said Butch.  ‘You wanted to make it look like suicide.  After that you invited us over to trick us all into serving you as witnesses to attest your suicide story if the matter ever came to court!’
  ‘O be reasonable!’ Jim cried.  ‘That’s stupid!  I just wouldn’t do it.  It’s madness!  I did not kill this man!  I protest my innocence!’
  ‘I shall have to detain you until the police arrive,’ said Huey.
  ‘Because I believe you killed him!  You killed DC Peddler.  Call me old fashioned, call me what you like, but when a man kills another man that makes him a murderer.’
  ‘Now listen!  I know this is all very weird, but I think I have an idea what happened here…’
  Everyone was waiting to hear Jim’s response.
  And Jim replied telling them this tale:
  ‘Okay.  Let’s just go along with the idea that DC Peddler was indeed murdered.  If someone did kill this man, broke his neck, hung him, whatever, it wasn’t me.  It was Mr Rits.  We have all seen from the photos here that Peddler was having an affair with Mrs Rits.  And we have all lived in Fenwick long enough to know how passionate and quite frankly, violent, Mr Rits behaves when he smells adultery.  So what happened is this:  Mr Rits saw the photos, and tracked down and killed DC Peddler.  Mr Rits then set the body up here to frame me for the crime.’
  It was possible.
  it could have happened that way.
  It was indeed very likely, after all, we are talking about Mr Rits - who was well known by all to be a total and under madman especially in matters concerning his marriage to his wife.
  But Butch wasn’t having it.
  So Butch continued to press Jim:
  ‘It all sounds too convenient to me.  I know you Jim.  You are a scheming villain.  This murder has YOU written all over it.  You wanted Peddler dead and set up Mr Rits for the crime.’
  ‘Why would I try to frame Mr Rits?’
  ‘Isn’t it obvious?’ Butch replied.  ‘With Mr Rits out of the way you could run away with his wife!’
  If everyone in the room was not looking so serious Jim would have burst out laughing at the notion of him having an affair with Mrs Rits, or with anyone for that matter.  Twenty years of hard alcoholism and G-Juice drinking had rendered him asexual, celibate, and totally dead to the idea of having a relationship with anything except a dustbin - and that was only so he could be sick in it when he gulped too much whiskey…
  ‘That is ridiculous!’ Jim cried.  ‘Where did you come up with that outrageous idea?’
  ‘You were jealous of DC Peddler because of the love he shared with Mrs Rits.  Because of this you wanted him dead.  And after that you wanted Mr Rits out of the way - and then you could move in and steal his wife for yourself!  You killed DC Peddler because you were angry at him, because Mrs Rits chose him over you!  You might get Mrs Rits in the end, marry her from behind bars, but it is never nice being somebody else's seconds.’
  ‘Butch.  Please.  Are you trying to wind me up here?’
  Jim was trying to turn the situation into a joke, but Huey, loud and stern, shut Jim right down:
  ‘I have gone off of you this day Jim!’ said the great Belgium hunter.  ‘I used to really like you - respect you even - but now I can see you for what you really are.  You are a snake and boy have I ever dealt with a lot of snakes in the jungle, but you are the most poisonous of the lot!  For sure you are!  You are a killer, and an adulterer.  Not only are you having an affair with another mans women out of wedlock, but you have blood on your hands.  Someone get the police!  In the interim you are my prisoner, Jim.  You are going to face justice today young man!’
  And just in that very second - as Huey was about to restrain his prisoner, all four men - Ted, Huey, Shaky, and Tipsy, dropped down stone dead!

(Remember!  All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes are intentional - the author 😆)

Previous part here

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Monday 19 August 2024

Jim's Subway 41: WHO invited YOU???

   Please except this gift from Mr Grey.

  You have served the Tailors well, Jim.  You are an asset to our cause!  Soon there will be peace again on the streets of Fenwick, and we will all benefit from the new order.  The success of your business with Mr King is astonishing, and I am proud to have you as a part of our ever growing enterprise.  May your luck never stop.


Mr Twaddle aka Michael

The gift was a bottle of Mr Grey’s favourite non alcoholic wine.

  “Well I shan’t be drinking any of that,” Jim thought.  

  And he shelved the product somewhere in the corner of his house.

  That evening Jim sent out four invitations.

  He was going to celebrate his success.  

  He had many things to celebrate:

  One being his rise in status.  And then there was his nice new healthy bank balance.

  To round it off there was his recent triumph over his arch enemy DC Peddler - this victory made him feel very proud.  In the past Jim had always bowed his head to the bully, but this time had fought back and won!

  So yes indeed it was time to celebrate!

  And who better to celebrate a toast with than his four best friends in Fenwick?

  One by one the guests arrived.

  First on the scene was the renown Belgium hunter, Hugo Bergerac Devereux, or just Huey for short. 

  ‘I had to delay an expedition to the Congo for this,’ said the great hunter.  ‘But ah well, never mind!  Any excuse to see the inside of the Bankers House!  Lovely place…  You know my Great Great Great aunt helped build it?  But anyway, how are you sir Jim?’

  ‘I am rather well, Huey!  Better these days than in the old days,’ Jim replied, heartily.

  Jim was in a good mood and very happy to show it.  

  ‘Ah yes!  It is plainly visible by the new bright look about you!’ Huey responded.  ‘You have indeed won the world!  Ha!  When you arrived in Fenwick you were a mere dog in the streets.  And now here you are, richer than all of us put together.  Not that I am jealous, of course!  Money has very little meaning to a man like myself!  I am a man of the road.  I live for each and every single day.  I am never happier than when I am stalking the wilds of the Congo, with my gun at hand, and nought else but my wit and will to survive!’

  ‘Ah yes!  So how is all that business with the Congo going?  Have you been back to the place since last we met?  Have you found that dinosaur yet?’ said Jim.

  ‘It might be hard for you to believe Jim, but this time last week I was up to my ankles in mud,’ Huey replied.  ‘I was with my team, and we had penetrated the heart of the African interior.  We had crossed the great swamps of Agash Pinaghol, on the outer edge of Cameroon, within sight of Congo, where my quarry lies…  We made camp in the depths of the jungle, when we heard a terrifying sound!  It came from a great animal somewhere; a strange trumpet like sound it made.  My men ran in terror.  But I held my ground, of course, and drew out my gun and made ready to take my medicine.  I was not afraid to die!  

  ‘Just beyond the light of the camp I saw something large shuffle the tree branches, it made such a  stir!  And then it was gone… gone.  You know, Jim?  I am sure it was the dinosaur…  NO!  It WAS the Dinosaur!  My plan is to return to the Congo, forthwith, after this night is done, and I will put a bullet in the monsters head and bring it home as my prized trophy!’

  ‘Well good for you,’ said Jim, and he invited Huey in and led him to the dinning room.  ‘Help yourself to drinks,’ said Jim.

  Then the next guest arrived.

  It was Ted, the owner of the local bric-a-brac shop.

  ‘Well look at you Jim,’ said Ted upon arriving.  ‘Banker, hey?  How did you manage that?  I am Fenwick born and bred and have run my little shop all my life, and yet I have never gotten not one peep from beyond the castle walls.  And then up you pop and in a few weeks you're living in the Gate House!’

  ‘It’s just luck, that is all,’ Jim replied.

  ‘I wish I had even half of your kind of luck,’ Ted replied.  ‘Just a morsel, even…  You know I haven’t sold a single thing this past week?  This morning I made a special order for an old customer.  A silver saucepan.  They never turned up to collect it!  So there is me, poor old Ted out of pocket, again.  I spend more money on my customers than they do for me I swear!’

  ‘I imagine you do, but that is why you are such a lovely chap!’ Jim replied.  ‘Now please!  Forget about your woes for today.  Head on now to the dining room over there and join Huey.  O, and please help yourself to drinks!’

  Up next was Shaky Jones.

  ‘Just call us Shaky,’ he said as he walked in.  ‘That’s all I do these days anyway.  Shake and shake!  I would have brought my wife, but well, you know how it is, or how she is.  She doesn’t get about much these days - but o well, such is the lot of the dead!’

  ‘O yes!  Your wife.  She looked a little bony, if I remember?’ Jim replied.

  Shaky nodded his sad and weary head.  ‘Thank you for the invite,’ he said.  ‘It is not often I get out of my old shack to see the world.  I always wondered what it looked like inside the Bankers House, and well here I am!  Ha!  Now poor old me gets the chance to see how the other half live?  Nice one, Jim!  I am glad you consider me to be your friend!’

  ‘Please head o the dinning room now,’ said Jim.  ‘And, of course, help yourself to drinks!’

  Guest number four was a man who had been at war:

  It was Tipsy Neat hobbling in on one leg.

  ‘I brought drinks Mr Jim,’ he said.  ‘I have also got some cash somewhere, in my wallet if you give me chance to dig around I will find it.  It’s just, well, I want to pay my way.  And I want to pay you Jim, for being so kind and generous!’

  ‘No need for any of that!’ Jim replied.  ‘Please, Tipsy, you are my guest today!  Let me look after YOU for a change.  Hop your way over there to the dining room and help yourself to drinks!  Enjoy yourself for a change!’

  When the guests were assembled in the dinning room Jim joined them and made a speech:

  ‘You have a drinks at hand?  Good!  Now please listen to me!  When I stepped off the train for the first time in this town, I started to think about a lot of things.  What am I doing here?  I left my job and my home far behind.  But for some reason I did not regret my decision.  I liked this town.  I wanted to stay.  And so I did.  When I first arrived in Fenwick I was a beggar, and nothing more.  I had nothing.  NOTHING.  But you FOUR men here chose to be kind to me.  And I will never forget it.  NEVER.  Not to you, Tipsy and your generosity, and to Ted and your kindness, to Huey and his heart, and Shaky, well, just for being a good honest soul.  I respect you all.  I want us to drink and be merry tonight.  I am not what I was.  I am the Banker, now.  I have money and I have power.  And I am going to make all of our lives a lot better.  I remember my friends and I will look after them!’

  Hear!  Hear!

  Just then at that point there was a knock at the door!

  Who was that?

  Another guest?

  ‘Who else did you invite?’ said Huey.

  Jim was baffled and did not know what to say.

  He muffled something:

  ‘Bear with me!’ he replied.

  Jim headed to the front door.

  He opened it.

  Jim was going to scold whoever it as behind the door:

  ‘What do you want?  I am in the middle of a meeting…’

  When he saw who it was Jim stopped.  He felt like a soldier in the wars who had just felt his legs being shot away from under him.  All breath left his lungs…

  …In other words Jim could have collapsed!

  Because the man standing in the doorway was Butch!

(Remember!  All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes are intentional - the author 😆)

Previous part here

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Sunday 18 August 2024

Hands of Necromancy

This is the modern Hexen and Heretic of our time!

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Saturday 10 August 2024

Chivalry Total War : The Humbling of France

France tried to occupy the English Dominions of the North, but the English held their ground...


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