Monday 24 January 2022

I am with it all the way.

 So we came to it, my thoughts and I, that turning about the hill where the road ran:

WHat a thing it was to see, finally, after all that struggle - leaning upon frail limbs and pushed by vast powers that would break mountains with a click of a finger - with a stroke of lightning - it wanted to bring us down - but we said nay:

My voice and I,

Our thoughts,

we said nay, not now.

Though you may linger over my shoulders - potent as a storm cloud, I pull my coat of arms over me, and I go forth, grimacing, laughing wildly when needs be, not with happiness, but with determination.

We would not fall back, my thoughts and I.

On we went, like wild things.

Ever against it.  

Always against it.

The sky never changed - even when the sun was up and the clouds were on the run - when the roof was a smooth arching playing, like a pearl in space, the colour never changed.

Steel and hard, wild and grim.

On we went.  My feet in mud.  My feet on grass.  The birds singing, the moving metal things roaring, the hideous breath of the world beating - ever pulling, ever dragging.  My thoughts good and bad, always clinging - like hope throbbing in the mind of a dying mind.

We just kept going our thoughts and I...

But as heavy as the colour was above and before me, and as loud as all the sounds were - I always placed one step in front of the other.

I always walked.

I always took that step - the first and the final, and all the others in between.

It was the song that kept me going...

  Down beneath the earth where the smell is sweet, where hidden rivers flow warmed by the sun - the song flies in a land with no clouds - and the song dances in my heart though I do not hear it...

Never hear it -

I feel it, as it calls me closer and closer every day - to a place where stars play, and the light lives on and ever on, in the beating heart of everything...

I am with it all the way.

Buy the Legend of Rudwin!


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Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
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