There was once a man who was madder than the sea...
NO madder man was there ever than he...
NO madder man was there ever than he...
His name was Captain Swagger -
Because he liked to swagger,
When not drinking not tea.
He liked to sail his ship backwards, the illustrious seadog - The Wild Whale Henry - the greatest vessel you have ever seen.
There were one stranger than old Captain Swagger - he was always half drunk and half sober.
And he was always tripping up on his beard!
Good old Captain Swager!
Ever such a catcher - of the greatest of sea beasts.
One day he came aboard his ship, and tripping over his beard at least twice, and he said to his crew, who were mostly in a stew, 'Hand me an ale and a map!'
He had a grudge deeper than most men could bear.
His middle left finger had been left in the air - mawed by an angry sea cow!
'We will find that cow!' he said. 'That hideous beast! Set asail set asail! We shall have his tail - in return for my finger lost!'
So off the ship went, across the high seas.
Through storms and beyond it was ever such breeze.
Eventually they found their quarry - alongside its sleeping puppy.
A sea cow white as snow - and little did it know, the nine fingered captain was on its tail - was this the end of its frail...
...cheery but happy life.
When the drunken captain did see the cow - he said to himself, 'O how now - should I slay such a snowy thing! I think I might as it it in - and share with me and the crew, a little bit of our own festive brew!'
And the captain and the cow became great friends and had a cup of tea together!
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Play Given 'em Hell
Play Elfin Quest
Witches Brew a short text based adventure game!
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