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Friday, 29 April 2022
Time-lapse drawing with the pen & me : PART 8
Monday, 25 April 2022
Say NO to the Machine!
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Sunday, 24 April 2022
Imagination & the World
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Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Resurrecting forgotten characters
A few years ago I had the idea in my head to create a cartoon series, not realising how difficult it is to do that - but I ploughed on anyway, and that was when I brought out the singular episode of the Alien Vegetables. I had drawn a whole cast of characters, most of which were only concepts, with the intention of bringing them to life in a series of adventures across space.
But having drawn all these characters I didn't know what to do with them!
It's true! I couldn't think of any stories. I was hoping to collaborate with my business partner at the time, but they left the project for personal reasons, and left to my own devices I couldn't think of nay original albeit "Good" ideas for these characters to explore.
So after producing one very unsuccessful episode (You can find it on my Youtube Channel as of writing this - floating around on the NET with a grand total of 18 views... Yes - big big flop! And very discouraging... check it here if you have time), I decided it was not worth the energy to proceed with the project and called it a day. The Alien Vegetable adventures in space was not to be!
So for a long time these characters sat gathering electrical dust on my hard drive - almost forgotten, but not quite.
I drudged some of the characters out of the darkness for a few brief moments. You will find some videos in my archive featuring some of these cartoon aliens, chief of these being Ivan Lives.
Then, after starting my Rant series, it struck me. Would these videos not be the perfect playing field for these characters to take over? Make them the star of the show! Why not have aliens critiquing Twitter, Youtube, the Internet in general, adn give the whole of the big old darn Earth a general good verbal bashing!
Maybe it is time to open up the archive and resurrect these old forgotten characters, and give them life. If I can't think of a story for them to inhabit then why not have them sit back on their spaceship and laugh at the story of Earth 2022 and beyond!
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Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Trolleys dumped in the UK | Short Documentary
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Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Jim's Subway Part 1
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I write the words
River of wine
So divine,
Then I write the words...
Yes, that's how it goes,
And I just write the words.
It drives me mad,
The cycle that turns and turns!
...Make it end...
So i don't have to pretend!
But i still have to write the words
Throw my thoughts against the wall!
...It all seems so cruel...
Let's shed a tear,
Over a beer...
I've just got to write the words.
It's summertime and raining hard:
Clouds of steel,
Brighter than my shadow!
The skies just love to give us winter;
Each year the cold arrives a little bit swifter.
And I will be stuck in a room someplace,
Where clouds soar in disgrace,
Sat battling with my thoughts while time dies in the endless chase.
Can I resolve a hopeless war,
And forge peace between the lines of life...
What do I care? What does anyone care?
I'll still be here to write the words
Damn it's cold
I'm wrapped up in a blanket and the sun is burning away,
But the clouds won't give it a chance to do anything -
Useless star that you are!
I'm all closed up,
My mind's shut in,
Is there no one out there who'll hear me sing?
It doesn't matter in the end...
Because I've got to write the words...
I don't know why - I feel forced by some great power,
And it drives me to write the words.
The clouds hang around all day because they are bored,
And the trees are as useless as used matches (and as dull!),
The sun you say you are,
Useless old star...
But I've still got to write the words.
Then everything turns gold,
And I cannot breathe
Lack of oxygen...
I can't think.
Just can't get a break,
Why is it so hard for goodness sake?
But still I keep writing the words.
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Friday, 8 April 2022
New documentary in the works...
So I have been working on a little documentary since October 2021. It's a small affair, a bit of a joke, really. But I was walking around town and I could see all these trolleys just lying about in different locations. So weird! Are they put there by lazy people? But how and why did they drop them off in such strange locations, especially in places so far away from the supermarkets they were stolen from?
How did they beat the security measures?
And people seem so oblivious about it. They never ask questions. It's just acceptable to them to see trolleys lying around the streets.
Also, as I showmin the documentary, some of the trolleys have been position in such a way it seems to me that maybe it is part of some bizzare form of art...
Rather like crop circles????
Maybe aliens from outer space, interdimensional beings and popping onto Earth and grabbing and moving the trolleys about for a laugh!
The world we are living in is so crazy literally anything is possible!
There is no division between the possible and the impossible because the impossible will always find the way.
Only the probably can be taken seriously.
And yes we have fish living in the sea that are invisible so think on that when considering the madness of the universe!
One other thing to take note of...
Every second spent sober is a second wasted. So waste it instead by getting wasted!
Start by holding a drinking game with your friends about how many invisible fish you might have encountered in your adventures of being alive.
WORD OF CAUTION! You will lose a lot of brain cells engaging in this game, but don't worry, nobody ever uses a lot of that sort of thing these days.
Looking forward to seeing you in the documentary when it releases:
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Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Spooky Chapel
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Liquid Thoughts
What will become of me?
Lake of ice
Don't let me fall
Hollow Hand
hold onto me....
DON'T free me from your grip.
What will become of me?
I need your more than ever
...liquid thoughts...
Please return to me.
Don't leave me
Don't let me fall
I need your hand, empty though it is,
keep me from slipping into the cracks of ice -
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Game Reviewers my thoughts on them
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Give it a chance
When words become a waste you feel it in your gut...
Only then will you realise you have nothing to do -
except sit down and drink:
A trickle of the sound!
You won't dance, not the feet and the arms,
But your heart will -
with just a trickle of the sound...
Your heart will glide into the sunny clouds...
Give it a chance
Even when you know its a fools game
When people are screaming it in your ears,
And your gut tells you its all over
And people are shouting in your ears the fickle truth that holds them enslaved...
Just shut your mouth and drink in the sound...
just a trickle
Let it absorb you - live with it and through it,
Just a trickle of the sound
A second or two
Bear with it
Give it a chance...
When the roof of life hangs so low your forced to crawl in dust on the floor,
when the chatter of other folks teeth turns your ears into hot pins,
and your brain becomes a cauldron of boiling filth, overtipping with foamy gloom,
Just grab a chair and switch it all off,
tell the organ grinder pulling the strings behind your eyes to cease the play,
Tell him to go away -
You know he sits in an empty hall,
with empty chairs -
He has only one living soul that makes his audience,
and he knows and you know who that is -
So go home - leave him alone - let him play himself to death alone in his hall,
And when he is finally quiet pour yourself a trickle of the sound
Just a trickle
And in the silence drink it in -
That's when the real you awakens - stirring roots from a dormant seed - the fresh flowering petals of thought taking shape in the clean air.
That's you in the quiet, drinking in the sound,
Just a trickle of the sound
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Skyrim VR Cave waterfall adventure
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Friday, 1 April 2022
Don't Waste it...
It's all a waste - when lightning comes from the skies...
Why do we do it?
Why do we breathe it?
Why do we see it?
Why do we believe in it?
Because it's all a waste when the lightning comes from the skies...
We can do a lot of Great things.
Reshape words and other things from old -
We can make whole new worlds out of tiny drips and drops of life -
But it will all mean nothing
If the lightning falls from the skies...
There is no point working in vain,
wasted sweat is like wasted tears,
Forgotten forever like an empty life drowned in empty
But every breath that pulled you up,
Every sound that woke you,
That made you think
Is all for nothing,
When the skies let the lightning fall.
So don't be a fool
Don't say yes when your heart says no;
Waste time
But don't waste tears,
Waste years
But don't waste sweat -
And never threat, if the game doesn't play out as planned.
But pray and sing for the moment,
Fight for the idea that lives in every second -
Because none of it will mean anything
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